Sunday, October 25, 2015

Become a Critical Thinker, Become a Powerful Person

First of all, I would like to clarify that critical thinking is not about finding something wrong in other person's reasoning but it is about paying careful attention to evidences and arrive at right conclusions in everything.

For example, many people consider vegetarian food to be more sacred or sanctimonious than non-vegetarian food. Why do people think so? Some vegetarians say, because, non-vegetarian food involves killing animals and eating their flesh, it is merciless. But for vegetarian foods, people do not kill animals. Therefore, it's good. What sanctimonious vegetarians miss to understand is vegetarian foods also come from living things only. For instance, to eat rice or wheat, literally thousands of thousands of plants are being killed. Therefore, vegetarianism is also merciless in that sense. If killing is what making non-vegetarian food non-sacred, than equally vegetarian food is also non-sacred. Therefore, the truth is, there is no merciful consumption of food.

Critical thinkers tend to be open to accept what is truth. If they find any confirming evidence for claiming something to be true or false, they accept it openly. And essentially critical thinkers think from concrete evidences. They do not claim much on things they don't know. They say yes for yes and no for no, they avoid faking.

Being a critical thinker is a lifetime commitment. Since human life is multi-dimensional and dynamic, a critical thinker has to think from all dimensions of life to become truly a critical thinker. Therefore, becoming a critical thinker is a life long developmental process not an attainment over night.

Many people believe that knowledge is power. True, because without knowledge we will not be able to accomplish anything which gives us higher meaning. Now, if we ask what is knowledge, we would finally arrive at a conclusion that knowledge is knowing the facts - or in other words, knowing the truth. If knowing the fact is power, then thinking from what is true is the way to achieve that power. Therefore, critical thinking is powerful thinking.

A well thought out design can make a device or tool more useful and easy to use, such as an Apple iPhone. I openly invite you to buy the well thought out thoughts and ideas which will cherish and nourish your life. I invite you all to make a strong, no, strongest resolve to think critically about everything of life. And I would like to continue to bring those things which we have to think critically hereafter everyday.

Read on
  1. Critically Thinking About Honesty in Social Life
  2. Critically Thinking About Life Events And The Age Old Idea of FATE  

sanctimonious - giving the impression that you feel you are better and more moral than other people

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